Entity: Gravid Engine
Software: Back Talk
link to this privacy policy:
Personal information is collected by Google for the purpose of serving advertisements. Anonymous information is collected by Gravid Engine for the purpose of determining user trends, improving products, and entertainment.
3rd Parties
Entity: Google
Software: AdMob
Purpose: advertisement
link to Google's privacy policy:
Personal information about the user is collected and sent to Google for the purpose of serving advertisements. All personal information collected for advertising is sent directly to Google and is not stored or utilized by Gravid Engine.
General information about a user's device, country of origin, and usage of Back Talk is anonymously collected by Gravid Engine for the purposes of determining general user trends, improving products, and entertainment.
This app requires the use of a microphone to function as intended. This app does not transmit any user recordings over any network or connection. Furthermore, this app does not explicitly store any recordings to non-volatile mediums (e.g. SD cards, hard drives, etc) and does not transcribe any recordings.