Gravid Engine started as a grand idea that I had back in high school to explore vast digital landscapes through various projects. Like all developers wanting to start out by making an MMORPG, over time I had to really narrow my focus. However, the foundation of Gravid Engine is still this kind of exploration. Other core concepts of Gravid Engine include transparency, infinity, ethics, and environmental conciousness. These are things you will see reflected in many of my projects.
I've tried working in teams. Three times in high school, three times in university, and three times after. It just never worked. I was always the first to start and the last to stop. Maybe I just didn't find the right people, or maybe I was too intimidating and abrasive. I don't know. So, for now, Gravid Engine is just me: a techno-hippie hermit who likes to do anything and everything. Literally everything you find here is just me. From this website, to the software, the videos, the social media; all design, art, programming, music, sound, etc. is just me (which is probably why it's always just a little subpar, Jack of all trades, master of none). This has led me to start about 100 different projects, and for ten years not really finish a single one of them. Now as I enter my 30s, it's time for me to get my shit together. I'll be starting (and finishing) new projects as well as raising old projects from the dead.
EXPLORATION: Projects typically allow individuals to discover new things or explore their own minds.
INFINITY: When possible, projects are made in such a way as to always have something new or to be able to continue extending it.
TRANSPARENCY: From concept to budget to analytics, detailed insight will be provided for educational purposes as well as maintaining integrity.
ETHICS: Projects are built concept driven instead of profit driven. When profit is the major driving factor, unethical practices are more likely to arise. No exploiting addictive behaviors, no chasing market trends, no hidden fees, no false promises, etc.
ENVIRONMENTAL CONCIOUSNESS: Projects and content attempt to strike a healthy balance between convenience and environmental conciousness. This doesn't mean you have to even remotely care about the environment to enjoy my projects though, nor do I push a politically driven message. I am simply holding myself personally responsible to my own standards.
last updated 2018 / 01 / 01